Monday, April 23, 2012

Las Vegas DockDogs has a new look!

Las Vegas DockDogs has a new look!  We've tweaked our logo slightly to more closely resemble the famous Las Vegas sign.  Look for new merchandise featuring our new updated logo shortly!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dog Day in the Park - Needles CA

Las Vegas DockDogs had a good time at the Dog Day in the Park event in Needles, CA.

Brianne Durham from our club was an excellent announcer and very entertaining. She represented LVDD to the highest degree. Bob Lockwood worked with the newbies and Laura Lockwood was fantastic with the amazing 'Ryder' doing Extreme Vertical demos. Lynn Ward did a number of Big Air demos with Pacho.

CLICK HERE to read an article about the event.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Welcome message to LVDD Officers & Board Members

Greetings to our official LVDD Officers & Board Members,

Voting has come to a close, the results are unanimous and below is list is your 2012 LVDD Officers and Board Members!

I'm thrilled to officially welcome all of you. Many of you have deep experience in the nonprofit field as well as in the business world and you all bring new expertise and flavor to LVDD in the areas of marketing, sponsorship, education, organizational development and teamwork.

Thank you for accepting the nominations and I look forward to tomorrow evenings first official 2012 board meeting (and BBQ)!

President - Lianne Hassen
Vice President of Sponsorship & Marketing - Brianne Durham
Vice President of Operations - Stephanie Malone
Secretary - Brittany Gell
Merchandise & Awards Chair - Kim Ackers

Board of Directors:
Laura Lockwood
Alfredo Rivera
Laura Foley
Bryant Espinosa
Olivia Wrote
Denise Heck
David Heck

Friday, January 6, 2012

Las Vegas DockDogs looking for Nominations for Board & Officer Positions

It is time to nominate board and officer positions for the Las Vegas DockDogs club. If you'd like to nominate yourself or another member for a position, please e-mail me at We have a number of events coming up quickly, so I'd like to close nominations and open up voting pretty soon. Let's have nominations in by Friday January 13th at 12pm PST.

Once I receive all of the nominations, I will contact the nominees to let them know they have an opportunity to accept or decline the nomination. We are not just looking for a warm body to fill the position, we are looking for people to dedicate some time and effort towards the club to help make this our best year ever!

As far as Officer and Board positions, this is what the DockDogs head office is encouraging all clubs to eventually have in place by 2012:

· President

· Vice President

· Treasurer

· Secretary

· Sponsorship/Marketing Director (overseas all sponsorship and marketing aspects for club and events)

· Sanctioned Events Director (built in event manager and main contact with head office to organize all events, practices, training seminars, fun jumps, etc)

· Social Networking Director (coordinates and maintains club website, Facebook page, blog, newsletter etc)

If you'd like to nominate someone (or yourself) for any of the above positions, please e-mail your nomination to

The following are additional positions we are hoping to fill in the near future, once the above positions are filled:

· Merchandise & Award Director (coordinates, orders, distributes and tracks all merchandise and awards for club and events)

· Historian (catalogs and captures all photos, video, interviews, articles, etc)

· Volunteer Director (self explanatory)

· Social Events Director (coordinates all banquets, fundraisers, membership drives, etc)

Thanks and we greatly appreciate your support to help make 2012 our best year yet!

Lianne Hassen
Las Vegas DockDogs, president