Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lianne Hassen...back from Nationals!

1. How was the drive?
Long, but that was no problem. Stephanie and I rented a big van that had all of the bells and whistles. With the addition of some car paint on the windows we were cruising in style! On our way there we kept checking the temperature and put on the layers to stay warm, but we were pleasantly surprised at the decent weather we had in Dubuque over the 3 day event. We couldn't have gotten luckier : )

2. How did you and your dog(s) do?
I think Rex prefers an event with more crowds, because he didn't seem as hard to control as usual. He came 2nd in Speed Retrieve Sonic, 3rd in Extreme Vertical Top Gun and 3rd in Iron Dog. Very proud of my boy.

Dooley had a new personal best in Speed Retrieve, breaking into the 7's seconds. I told everyone I would do cart wheels all the way across the parking lot if he made finals, but alas he didn't....he didn't want mommy to embarrass him ; )

During the Saturday night dinner we were honored to receive:
  • The 2010 DockDogs Contributor Award
  • 'Rex' 2010 Top Ranked Regional Overall Speed Retrieve Team
  • 'Rex' 2010 Top Ranked National Overall Extreme Vertical Top Gun Team
  • 'Rex' 2010 Top Ranked National Extreme Vertical Zone 2 Team

3. What was your favorite thing about the National Championships?
There were so many great things. The memorial balloon launch, how smoothly things ran, the evening festivities and seeing everyone together having fun : )

4. Did you enjoy the evening festivities?
Yes, it was really well done!! Christen did a fantastic job. The bowling was a blast and the Saturday night awards banquet was outstanding. Can't wait until next year.

5. Would you attend a National Championships Event again?
Yes, yes and yes!!!!! I'll always make the trip!!!!

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