Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meet 'Cara' and Steph from the Carolina DockDogs Club

Club Name: Carolina DockDogs

Owner/Handler’s Name: Stephanie Jones

City, State, Country: Wilmington, NC USA

Dog’s Name: Carolina 'Cara'

Dog’s Date of Birth or Gotcha Date: 12/17/06

Breed(s): Black Labrador Retriever

Dog’s Nickname:


- Big Air: Novice
- Big Air Personal Best: Unofficial 11’0” Official 10’ 9”
- EV:
- Speed retrieve: 14.965

Favorite Event to compete in: All of them! We are out there to have fun!

Favorite DockDogs Event (Event Name/Location/etc.): I can’t say I have a favorite. Each new event brings new people & dogs to meet!

Carolina 'Cara', participating in DockDogs Big Air (BA).

Farthest you’ve traveled for an event:
To compete: 7 hours.

To attend: across the country & back. Steph flew to Las Vegas in 2009 to drive to Stillwater, Minnesota with LVDD club members Lisa Weber and Becky Wight. Lisa and 'Tractor' were competitors (and WINNERS) in the Stihl Dogs & Logs World Championships. Steph and Becky went along for the ride and to cheer Las Vegas DockDogs club members on.

Some MUST HAVE gear items to pack: Aside from the obvious (crate, chairs, etc), camera & laptop or phone for updates. Steph knows how important updates are for those not at an event.

Average number of DD events you participate in each year: 5-7

'Cara' participating in DockDogs Speed Retrieve (SR).

What is your favorite dog friendly hotel or camp to stay at: Holiday Inn Express

Any other dogs in the family: Ali, Bella, and current foster boy Kaiden

What other dog sport activities do you participate in: Agility & Obedience

Quick bio of your dog(s): What to say about Cara? We obviously are not doing this because she is a HUGE jumper, but she has fun & that is what matters. She is known as the Novice Queen and maybe, if she ever stops coming to a dead stand still at the end of the dock before jumping, we can lose that title. She leaves nothing on the dock but her momentum.

'Cara's' notorious stop at the end of the dock. Such diving form she has!!

Odd fact: 'Cara' had a toe amputation (weight bearing) at the age of one and a half, so her back right foot leaves a very unique paw print.

Las Vegas DockDogs is proud to know and feature DockDog members of clubs from all over on our blog. Our members travel all over to compete and have met many wonderful people and dogs at different events. Stay tuned for next month's featured DockDogs club members. Who could be you!

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