Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rexy's going to Worlds!!!

Lianne Hassen & 'Rex' share what its like to be going to the 2010 Stihl Dogs & Logs World Championships...

How do you feel about being invited to the 2010 Stihl Dogs & Logs World Championships?
Very excited. I have heard so many great things about the Stihl Dogs & Logs World Championships in the past, I’m so thrilled to not only be attending, but to actually be competing this year.

What disciplines are you invited to for this years World Championships?
Iron Dog, Extreme Vertical, Speed Retrieve

Which invitations will you be accepting?
All of them. I’m sure it will be non-stop all weekend, but Rex is like the energizer bunny and will love all of the jumping.

How did you earn your invitations this year?
We competed in the series of ISE events (Sacramento, CA. Phoenix, AZ. Salt Lake City, UT.) This was a series of events where you needed to compete in a minimum of two events in the series and the teams with the highest average of their 2 best results were invited to compete in the World Championships 2010.

Do you have a sponsor for the World Championships?
Yes – Sit Means Sit Dog Training

Are you happy with the location for Worlds this year?
Yes, absolutely. I’ve never been up to Oregon and love the experience of being a part of an organization where we get to see much of the World.

Have you been to a World Championship event before?
No, this is my first time….but Rex was there competing with my husband Fred last year.

What titles do you and Rex have?
Master Big Air, Top Gun Extreme Vertical, Sonic Speed Retrieve, Iron Dog.

What are your dogs current rankings in each discipline?
Extreme Vertical – 3rd in the world with an average of 7’
Iron Dog – 4th in the world with an average of 3029 points
Speed Retrieve – 3rd in the world with an average of 5.38 seconds
Big Air – 90th in the world with an average of 21’ 7”

What kind of music do you and Rex prefer on the dock?
Heavy Rock & Roll

What do you tell your Rex when he’s on the dock?
Make Mama Proud!

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